Central Vacuums & Central Vac Systems
When it comes to central vacuum systems, we sell them, repair them and everything in between.
Even In Between Your Walls
We can design your entire “in-home” vacuum system – from the locations, to the fittings, to the connections, to the electrical – everything!
We’ll even stop by to replace a filter.
Hazel’s puts the “see” in “C-Vac”, because “We Come To You”. We happily schedule at least one or two follow-up appointments to personally run through all operations, answer your questions, etc. We “insist” on ensuring you are using your central vacuum – and central vacuum system – properly to get the maximum benefit. You may be surprised to discover what you may discover!
Any Size Will Do
From a three-room condo in Cos Cob, to an estate in Easton, Hazel’s In-Home Vacuum Solutions can and does install and maintain a wide variety of C-Vac systems you may have thought not possible. But they are! Throughout every week of every year we are involved in a wide variety of installation and maintenance situations – all with solutions. Believe it!
When you need us most
We troubleshoot on-site, often uncovering secondary issues which we fixed…
Because We Come To You.
Personal, reliable, convenient –– did we say “we come to you”?

Maintenance Scheduling
Just when you thought you didn’t need us, Hazel’s comes to you when it’s the optimal time to fine tune your system, check your vacuum, hoses and ports, for suction, fitting, power… even disinfect all the lines!
Servicing these major brands and more:

CLICK HERE or call
to contact us now to arrange an in-home presentation, service or supplies at your convenience!